The Man With A Womanly Name

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In this blog I hope to expound upon that one question everyone who’s familiar with my full name invariably asks: “What were your folks smoking dude?” followed by “Can I get some of that?”

I am 171 cm tall, 210 lbs. 25 year old unibrowed economy class rendition of Chewbacca and my parents named me ‘Dibyajyoti’. Combine that with my surname ‘Dasgupta’ and you have the perfect recipe for missing out on that 18 marks question in Boards because you spent 30 minutes filling the ‘Name’ section in your answer sheet! Bloody nonsense. Also I dread calling up my bank because invariably the first question is “Sir, may I have your full name” followed by an hour of painstakingly walking the fellow through all the 20 letters of your name one by bloody one, at the end of which he will call you “Mr. Gupta” anyways. Also I will never become a Roadie which, in retrospect, is the best outcome of having such a name.

Till someone mercifully shortened my first name to Debo, I had tried various things to claim back my manhood ranging from playing Call of Duty at Veteran difficulty with the username BigBalls88 to translating my name in Russian to sound bad ass (An effort I immediately abandoned when Google threw up the translation as “Svetlana”). 

I am not the only one either, even as you read this blog, somewhere out there a Dibyendu is trying hard to prove his heterosexuality and I wouldn't even go into the predicaments of ‘Ritu- Porno’.

Why do Bong parents name their kids so unsexy? 

I have a little conspiracy theory surrounding the whole ‘My-Son-Wimpiest’ contest that a lot of the Bong parents have participated in and won resoundingly. But before going into the nitty gritties of Bengali naming convention let’s have a cursory look at the Common Indian Parent aka Parentus Indicus, of which the Bengali parents is an off shoot.

The Common Indian Parent hereby referred to as CIP due to the author’s incurable lethargy, originates in the Indian Subcontinent. However due to the recent phenomenon of Globalization and illegal immigration aka Daler Mehndi, has spread across the world.

The CIP is an apex predator in his ecosystem with not many adversaries. However, their offspring are highly susceptible to the dreaded epidemic of ‘Independent’ and ‘Cool’ resulting in such conditions as ‘Non-Engineeritis’, becoming ‘Roadie’ and in acute cases putting a ‘Yo Yo’ in front of their names (symptoms for the latter include talking incoherently in Punjabi about blue eyes and such while the voice mutates to resemble an out of tune tin can).

Parents across India have devised ingenious methods to counter this potentially deadly epidemic. For example in Southern India they name the child named after Gods so as to induce piety and remove any possibility of rebellion.  If that doesn’t work they are sent to one of 200,000 engineer manufacturing factories which also go by the name ‘Corporate College’.

Up north in Gurgaon with the characteristic scientific temperament and zeal quintessential of the Jats ,they went and banned ‘Chowmein’ but that’s another story.

(By ‘they’ I really mean the world famous Khap panchayat which, as we all know, is the Haryanvi chapter of Illuminati)

Of all the above mentioned and not mentioned methodologies the most approved approach is the Bong approach. Bengalis have mastered the art of child “care”. Their technique is as simple as it is bewildering. 

They name the male child as effeminately as possible (Face it, when you meet a Soumik your first thought is “Gay”). Sheer ingenuity. You meet a 6’4 Bong dude with rippling muscles and Greek God looks and are in the process of dream beheading him or having a little orgasm, depending on who you ask, and next moment this man mountain announces his name, “Rituporno”. Immediately all hostility/affection evaporates to be replaced by a feeling of pity and hilarity simultaneously, leading to that amazing feat of snorting out chicken tikka and Coke through your nose.

Q. What do you call a macho Bengali?

Ans: A-Myth Roy

If Bible was written by a Bengali, David would not need a sling or a rock or any such nonsense. He would simply start calling Goliath, “Shonamoni” or “Baaptu” or “Tupai” and the Goliath would immediately relinquish all his ferociousness, sit down somewhere in the corner with a math book, write JEE and be a good engineer one day.

Have an unusually fierce dog that won’t listen to you? Name it Shushmito. Problem solved. 

Had Osama’s parents been Bengali a lot of the miseries in this world would never occur. How can you even think of a global jihad if your own name is Shayonton Sen Gupta?Also what the fuck is Shayonton? Sounds like the word one would use to describe that guilty feeling one has after a good raunchy sex. 

Name a kid Zoravar and by the age of 5 he’s already committed his first murder OR you can name him Shayonton and be assured of a lifetime of servility and predictability. Seriously dude, how can you have a rebellious life if your name is Shayonton?  And if that’s not enough Shayonton will have a nick name also…Laaltu!!

The female Bengali child is not spared either, being named after characters out of some obscure Bengali play, off whose pages your great grandfather’s British bosses were eating jhaal muri. They do however get off relatively better than the boys. At the end of the day a girl can still carry off Modhumita or Kadombori or Cersei Lannister or even Jhumpa Lahiri but how can you call a full grown man Bubai or Bhombol and expect him to stand up for himself? 

Also your average Bengali can never get a cool punch line intro, “The name is Dasgupta, Dibyajyoti Dasgupta” just doesn't cut it.

Effeminate names also give out these false signals to people. I distinctly remember a close friend’s ex-boyfriend’s sense of relief followed immediately by outrage and bewilderment upon finding out that she “hanged out with Dibyajyoti” and “Dibyajyoti is a boy” respectively.

Even the relatively decently named Bengali kids are not that better off. An otherwise normal and even sought after name such as Vineet immediately loses all sexiness when put on a Bengali. Why? Because then it becomes Bineet. When it becomes Bineet you don’t get laid. 

The travails of being a Bong are manifolds and would perhaps be best addressed in a separate book. A book that I shall author immediately after I pass out of IIM A where, as we all know by now, the A (often mistaken for Ahmedabad by amateurs) really stands for ‘Akhil Bharatiya Sahitya Parishad’.                 

With this, my dear reader, concludes my explanation of the overt sensitivity of your Bong friend with a weird name about which he will never utter a word by himself. He will carry the burden of pain within himself because even if our first names sound like your fiancé, we are still Mards.

And Mard ≠ Dard.
