My letter to Sidin Vadukut

5:29 PM Unknown 3 Comments

My letter to Sidin Vadukut The world famous Author of Dork Trilogy 

Note: No Malayalis were hurt (physically) in the making of this letter.

Dear Sir,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Dork trilogy. Thanks to your books I have started picking up the basics of Malayalam (Mostly abuses).

The process of learning has been extremely progressive and downright ingenious.

Basically I go and speak some random Malayalam (notice I can distinguish between Malayalam and Malayali unlike some of my other uncultured Northie brethren) word to an innocent Malayali passerby and get shouted at in Malayalam (ex: Someone’s grand father died; Me screaming Adipoli followed by a tight bear hug by me followed by gun shots and abuses by someone else)

I keep a small notebook for such occasion diligently noting down all the words this person is shouting, again mostly abuses. I repeat the process every day and though this has resulted in banishment from 3 or 4 functions, 5 or 6 death threats and a marriage proposal from a 60 year old female the result has been most satisfying. I can now fluently order Filter Coffee in small restaurants in Kerala and negotiate the price of Falafals in Abu Dhabi besides throwing an occasional 'Nayyinte Mone' to a difficult nephew or niece.
Pandaram Adangan
Dev Adiploi


  1. My friend tried teaching me Hindi for 3 months. He now speaks fluent Malayalam. I still suck at Hindi. You are welcome to try out.

  2. that was a good me i wasnt offended in any way ;)
